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Ruksa Internet Services is a Company which delivers high speed bandwidth and quality service to keep up your business around the clock. Our unlimited packages allow you to flawlessly use video/audio conferencing with your clients and providers anywhere in the globe. Our connectivity with different upstream providers ensures 99.9% uptime. We use wireless protocols which are interference free that we guarantee the actual capacity flowing through our links to customer.

Quality Policy

- Work to understand the needs and requirements of our clients before proposing a solution

- Develop responsive proposals that provide cost-effective solutions to our client’s needs.

- Deploy the right mix of people and products to deliver value-added services and solutions to our clients.

- Follow-up on the quality of our services and solutions to our clients.

- Appreciate the trust that our clients put in us as we work with them to improve their business and information technology.

Service Pledge

- Our customers are our partners. We will consistently work to help them achieve the highest quality in their products and the highest efficiency in manufacturing.

- We maintain only the highest standards of excellence in both the quality of our product and service to our customers.

Vision Statement

To provide strategic and technical value to our customers by designing, building and maintaining cost effective ICT and telecommunications infrastructure.

Mission Statement

Ruksa Internet Services Company Ltd is dedicated to providing our clients with services and solutions customized to meet their information technology challenges and business goals

Our team


Mr. Costantine Mumba


Founder of Ruksa, Background in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering and experience in both field and team management. " Our ambition is to drive high performance by reinforcing quality services to our clients".

Dr. Gilliard Loth

Managing Director

Background in Economics and Human Resources Management. Experience in training and practical Management. " I have passion in Ruksa's growth and success in putting our clients in the centre of our business".


Agnes Munisi

General Manager

Microsoft certified professional with MCITP, MCSA, MCT and MOS certifications and experience on System and Network administration.



Ruksa Internet Services Co.Ltd, PSSSF Commercial Complex, Sam Nujoma Road, 10th Floor/ P.O.Box 31016, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania




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© 2020 Ruksa Internet Services. Proudly Created by Mohammed Virji

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